Age calculator
You can try our new Age Calculator
This calculator can calculate lots of interesting ages. We have also prepared some tables that include the ages that we think you will find most interesting. Find your age within these tables because you might want to celebrate!
These are all the ages a newborn baby can celebrate before his/her first birthday.
Number of days | Celebration / Event |
0 | You have just been born :-) |
7 | 10,000 minutes |
12 | 1 milion seconds |
42 | 1,000 hours |
50 | 50 days |
69 | 100,000 minutes |
88 | 1st birthday on Mercury |
100 | 100 days |
116 | 10 milions seconds |
139 | 200,000 minutes |
176 | 2nd birthday on Mercury |
183 | half birthday |
208 | 5,000 hours |
225 | 1st birthday on Venus |
264 | 3rd birthday on Mercury |
347 | 500,000 minutes |
352 | 4rd birthday on Mercury |
365 | 1st Birthday |
Table for children older then one year.
How old you are | Celebration / Event | |
In days only | Years and days | |
365 days | 1 year 75 days | 1st Birthday |
417 days | 1 year 52 days | 10,000 hours |
440 days | 1 year 75 days | 5rd birthday on Mercury |
499 days | 1 year 8 days | 2st birthday on Venus |
500 days | 1 year 135 days | 500 days |
548 days | 1 year 183 days | half birthday |
578 days | 1 year 213 days | 50 milion seconds |
674 days | 1 year 309 days | 3rd birthday on Venus |
687 days | 1 year 322 days | 1 year on Mars |
694 days | 1 year 329 days | 1,000,000 minutes |
Table for children older then two years.
How old you are | Celebration / Event | |
In days only | Years and days | |
730 days | 2 years 0 days | 2nd birthday |
833 days | 2 years 103 days | 20,000 hours |
880 days | 2 years 150 days | 10th birthday on Mercury |
899 days | 2 years 169 days | 4. birthday on Venus |
913 days | 2 years 183 days | half birthday |
1,000 days | 2 years 270 days | 1,000 days |
Table for children older then three years.
How old you are | Celebration / Event | |
In days only | Years and days | |
1,096 days | 3 years 0 days | 3rd Birthday |
1,124 days | 3 years 28 days | 5th birthday on Venus |
1,157 days | 3 years 61 days | 100 milion seconds |
1,250 days | 3 years 154 days | 30,000 hours |
1,279 days | 3 years 183 days | half birthday |
1,320 days | 3 years 224 days | 15th birthday on Mercury |
1,348 days | 3 years 252 days | 6th birthday on Venus |
1,374 days | 3 years 278 days | 2nd birthday on Mars |
1,388 days | 3 years 292 days | 2 milion minutes |
Table for children older then four years.
How old you are | Celebration / Event | |
In days only | Years and days | |
1,500 days | 4 years 39 days | 1,500 days |
1,572 days | 4 years 111 days | 7th birthday on Venus |
1,592 days | 4 years 131 days | If you were a light you would get up to Alfa Centary A a B |
1,644 days | 4 years 183 days | half birthday |
1,759 days | 4 years 298 days | 20th birthday on Mercury |
1,798 days | 4 years 337 days | 8th birthday on Venus |
Table for children older then five years.
How old you are | Celebration / Event | |
In days only | Years and days | |
1,826 days | 5 years 0 days | 5th birthday |
2,000 days | 5 years 174 days | 2,000 days |
2,009 days | 5 years 183 days | half birthday |
2,022 days | 5 years 196 days | 9th birthday on Venus |
2,061 days | 5 years 235 days | 3rd birthday na Marse |
2,083 days | 5 years 309 days | 3 milions minutes or 50,000 hours |
Table for children older then six years.
How old you are | Celebration / Event | |
In days only | Years and days | |
2,191 days | 6 years 0 days | 6th birthday |
2,199 days | 6 years 8 days | 25th birthday on Mercury |
2,247 days | 6 years 56 days | half birthday |
2,314 days | 6 years 123 days | 10th birthday on Venus |
2,374 days | 6 years 183 days | half birthday |
2,500 days | 6 years 309 days | 2,500 days |